Rates & Fees

Listed below, you will find our current rates and fees. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you. (Printable Version)

  • (Own or Rent) Deposit: $150
  • (Home Owner Only NO Renters) may provide a "letter of credit" from their most recent water utility company showing Credit Worthiness for two full years of service to avoid paying a deposit.
  • Commercial: $250
  • Fire Hydrant Deposit: $500

New Construction Meter/Inspection Fee:  $325.00 - 3/4" Meter
                                                                       $650.00 - 1" Meter
  • 3/4" Tap/Setter on 8" or less Main: $1200
  • 3/4" Tap/Setter on above 8" Main:  $1350
  • 1" Tap/Setter on 8" or less Main:    $1400
  • 1" Tap/Setter on above 8" Main:     $1550
  • 2" Tap/Setter on 8" or less Main:    $4700
  • 2" Tap/Setter on above 8" Main:     $4950

Larger meters will be quoted at the time of the request. Prices vary too much to set a constant price.

  • All Taps: $450

Lot Assessment / Capacity Fees

    Water Sewer       Fees (per Meter)
3/4" Meter  $         1,428  $        1,363       $2,791
1" Meter    $         2,384  $        2,276       $4,660
1.5" Meter  $         4,755  $        4,538       $9,293
2" Meter    $         7,610  $        7,264       $14,874
3" Singlejet  $      15,235  $      14,542       $29,777
3" Compound  $      15,235  $      14,542       $29,777
3" Turbine  $      16,662  $      15,905       $32,567
4" Singlejet  $      23,801  $     22,720       $46,521
4" Compound  $      23,801  $     22,720       $46,521
4" Turbine  $      29,984  $     28,621       $58,605
6" Singlejet  $      47,589  $     45,425       $93,014
6" Compound  $      47,589  $     45,425       $93,014
6" Turbine  $      61,867  $     59,054       $120,921


$2,500 (We only charge you what we are charged to complete the road bore. If the bore costs less, a refund will be processed. If it costs more, then you will be invoiced)
All road crossings are done as a road bore. Longer bores will be billed to the customer. Shorter bores will be refunded to the customer.
Larger bores and State Paved Hwy. bores will be priced at the time of request due to frequent variations in cost.

  • 3/4" Meter Only:     $3.00 per month


System Connection Tapping Fees for Subdivisions and Line Extensions

  • 2" Main Line Tap:     $500.00
  • 3" Main Line Tap:     $650.00
  • 4" Main Line Tap:     $720.00
  • 6" Main Line Tap:     $800.00
  • 8" Main Line Tap:     $1,200.00
  • 10" Main Line Tap:   $1,500.00

  •  Reconnect Fee:                     $30
  • After Hours: Up to 7 pm, Extra $100
Reconnects are done between 8 am - 4:30 pm M-F
Reconnects can be done after hours up to 7 pm on the day of disconnect for an additional $100 fee.
  • Returned Funds Fee:                               $30.00
  • Safe Water Act:                                     $0.40 per month


  • BWRPWA Cap Improvement Fee:        $1.50 per month
  • Late Fees:                                             10% of Total Bill
  • Temporary service for home inspections: $30.00
  • Bentonville Franchise Ree for Bentonville Residents:     4% of water and sewer sales

Base Fee (Determined by meter size):      
  Water       Sewer
  In City  Out of City  In & Out of City In City  Out of City 
  Residential Residential Commercial   Res./Com. Res./Com.
3/4"  $        20.00  $         25.00  $        34.50    $    16.76  $       18.18
1"  $        33.40  $         41.75  $        57.62    $    27.99  $       30.36
1.5"  $        66.60  $         83.25  $     114.89    $    55.81  $       60.54
2"  $      106.60  $      133.25  $     183.89    $    89.33  $       96.90
3"  $      233.40  $      291.75  $     402.62    $  195.59  $     212.16
4"  $      400.00  $      500.00  $     690.00    $  335.20  $     363.60
6"  $      900.00  $   1,125.00  $  1,552.50    $  754.20  $     818.10
8"  $  1,066.00  $   1,333.25  $  1,839.89    $  893.81

 $     969.54


The "Double Residence" base rate is double the regular base rate listed above.

WATER RATES (In addition to meter base fee)
Residential (Both Potable & Irrigation)
Residential (Inside City of Centerton)                                 $5.83 per thousand gallons.
Residential (All Outside of the City of Centerton)        $6.13 per thousand gallons.

Commercial (Both Potable and Irrigation)
All Commercial:                      $4.63 per thousand gallons 1 - 99,999
$4.43 per thousand gallons 100,000 - 499,999
$4.33 per thousand gallons over 500,000
(Includes Tax-Exempt Accounts)

Sewer Rates (In addition to meter base fee)
Sewer Inside City:                           $7.99 per 1000 gallons up to 299,000 gallons
                                                                  $8.57 per 1000 gallons at 300,000 gallons and above
Sewer Outside City:**                 $9.08 per 1000 gallons up to 299,000 gallons
                                                                 $9.66 per 1000 gallons at 300,000 gallons and above
Sewer Inside City (No Water):      $42.19 per month (No longer allowed)
Sewer Outside City (No Water):    $49.19 per month (No longer allowed)


** Sewer services outside the corporate limits of Centerton are handled on an individual basis and require special approval before service is granted. Call the office for details.


**** All Fees Subject to Change Without Notice ****